Our Privacy Policy

This is a privacy notice of Estelle Style Coach.  

This Policy and its contents were reviewed on 11th November 2024.

This notice is to inform you about how and why your personal data is used and to ensure you are aware of your rights under data protection legislation. It applies to information that could identify you as an individual (“personal information”) and information that does not.  In the context of the law and this notice, “process” means collect, store, transfer, use or otherwise act on information.   I will update and review this notice from time to time as necessary.

If you have any queries about your data, please contact me.  I am Estelle Style Coach and my contact details are –

07713 073928


I keep the data you provide to me to provide you with the best Style Coaching experience and to meet my legal obligations.

I will keep the minimum amount of data only for as long as is necessary.

Your details will be kept confidentially.

I do not pass your information to third parties apart from exceptions shown below. 

You have many privacy rights. 

What do I collect?

Your name

Contact information such as email addresses, phone numbers, postal address and any other means of contacting you such as skype or WhatsApp.

Details necessary for Style Coaching such as ages, seasonal palette, body shape, background information (ie questionnaires), photos supplied by you or taken during the session and coaching notes. 

Details of any correspondence or documentation you may provide.

As a potential client I will hold your name and contact information, as well as any information gathered from yourself and sources such as websites and social media. 

Third parties

Estelle Style Coaching services is confidential.  I will not share your personal data with third parties without your permission.  The exceptions to this are –

By legal obligation such as in response to a court order or other binding mandate. 

How I use your data.

I use your data to give the best Style Coaching service I can.

To contact clients and enquirers while delivering that service I will add your details to my internal email address book. 

I may communicate with you through phone, text, email, Zoom, Skype or other messaging service. 

I will use information to send portfolios, guidance, reports and to keep in contact.

If we have met at a networking event or you have contacted me otherwise, I will use your contact details to explore business opportunities with you. 

Record keeping for the proper and necessary administration of the business. 

Retention periods.

I will store the material for 7 years after completion of our working together.  After this it will be safely destroyed.  For prospective clients this period will be 2 years. 

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